Who Helps Churches With Tech Upgrades And Strategy?

Since the pandemic, many churches have realized they are behind the curve with online ministry. Initially, we recognized this as an equipment problem (microphones, cameras, etc). Almost every church in America saw far enough to recognize this problem. Most of us recognized that this created volunteer recruitment problems, too.

Some of our churches, though not enough, recognized they needed to improve dramatically with their online presence. Their website needed to improve, as did their social media strategy (what strategy?). That’s great! The first step to solving problems is to recognize them.

Only a few churches recognized that their online ministry is poorly structured because they need to ask bigger questions about their church. They need to ask identity questions, strategic questions about what their church has to offer the community around them. 

Here’s the issue: where does a church turn for help with these problems? Traditionally, they are very different problems, handled by very different consultants. That’s what makes Capital Hope Media so special. 

If you hire an A/V integrator to install new audio mixers, microphones, and cameras, that’s great. But how do they coordinate with the computer network that gets that information to the internet? Traditionally, they don’t. Your integrator and your IT consultants/volunteers don’t traditionally work together, but they need to!

Then, does your A/V integrator help you use your fancy new cameras for an effective social media strategy? Of course, a church can hire social media strategists, but you really need these people to work together. 

Finally, do you trust your A/V integrator, or your social media intern with broader questions about your church’s identity? There are church organizational consultants, but can they help you with a social media strategy, or map your computer network? 

A church needs someone who can help with all of these things, and ensure these systems work together. That’s why Capital Hope Media is so special. We have decades of experience with A/V systems, and decades of leadership experience in churches. We can handle your IT needs as well as we can help your leadership council make big decisions about how your church is meeting the needs of your community. 

After all, new cameras don’t matter if they don’t help you reach your neighborhood. 

We would love to chat with you about what all of this means, and how we can help your specific church! Schedule a Zoom meeting with us, and let’s figure out how to move your church forward!


Who are the 3 Potential Goals For Online Worship?


Online Discipleship 2