Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

Your church doesn’t need a vision statement (Do this instead)

For decades, every church consultant told churches “you need a mission statement and a vision statement.” It’s become a cliché. It sounds like an odd mix of insider jargon mixed with advice from the business world.

I want to propose a new, simpler way to think about this.

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Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

What is successful social media for churches?

Here’s a secret: it’s great to get social media “likes” for your church. It shows your congregation and community are engaged. That’s wonderful!

But there is a bigger goal you should aim at: shareable content. A “share” or “repost” is worth far more to your church than a “like.”

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Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

What is branding (for a church)?

The basic idea of branding is very helpful, even for a church: Branding is just thinking through your church’s identity. How do you want to be perceived by your community, your congregation, and even those who haven't yet walked through your doors? This is more straightforward for an individual than for an organization, and a church, with its diverse members and leadership, definitely qualifies as an organization. That’s why you need organized branding.

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Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

How churches can do market research

When I was involved in church leadership, I was often surprised to hear how differently people would describe the church’s purpose. I might have thought of our church as a place for spiritual growth and community outreach, while some attendees were most drawn to the music program, the youth group, or the senior’s fellowship. People connect with different aspects of a church, and we only have some control over that.

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