Church Tips

Communicating with your community.

Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

Does online ministry make you feel like a salesman?

Our churches are doing “marketing,” whether or not we use that word.

I mentioned this once to a pastor, and his response summarizes how many pastors feel: “I don’t want to feel like a salesman.” You see, he conflates marketing with being a (dirty, manipulative) salesman. However, this is a big misunderstanding.

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Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

How does the global internet help my local church?

Do you remember the early days of the pandemic? If you’re like a lot of churches, you first tried to livestream in March 2020. You may have been shocked at the wide geography of viewers your livestream received. Perhaps you received viewers not only from other parts of your country but even from other continents!

After all, the internet is global (sort of).

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Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

Recruiting Volunteers in Small & Mid-Sized Churches

When I meet with church leaders, they are often overwhelmed by the idea of recruiting volunteers to administer their tech booth. These church leaders have had difficulty recruiting volunteers in the past. They assume that only mega-churches can recruit enough volunteers to keep 4-5 people in the tech booth each Sunday. Perhaps you feel the same way!

So is it that hard to recruit volunteers? It's not hard if it's done correctly. Even in average-sized churches it can be done (remember, the average American church has about 75 people).

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Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

Online views are DROPPING!

The Unstuck Group just released their 3rd Quarter survey results. They found something interesting about online viewers of worship services....

Online views (of 1 minute or more) dropped 6% in the 3rd Quarter of 2023. That's right, they went DOWN.

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